Amdanom ni

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus convallis pharetra massa at faucibus. Ut gravida ante eros, ut suscipit felis porttitor non. Ut lobortis pretium erat at molestie. Quisque iaculis ex nec justo tempor mattis. Maecenas dolor arcu, congue quis luctus sed, vulputate id est. Suspendisse sed aliquet erat, quis pharetra dui. Suspendisse mattis feugiat lorem, sit amet venenatis urna lacinia at. Proin ac viverra risus, quis fringilla enim. Nulla hendrerit, lectus vitae volutpat pulvinar, sem risus porta velit, id rutrum est metus sed nisi. Nam fermentum massa non felis vulputate, sit amet rhoncus lorem congue.trest


The Congress Theatre was opened by the Duchess of Kent on the 19th October 1972. It was built as a multipurpose hall and so lacked the facilities of a conventional theatre. Hosting events such as Celebrity lectures, union meetings and local tribunals.

In 1974 the entire building…

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Ein gwirfoddolwyr yw asgwrn cefn Theatr y Congress, a hebddyn nhw ni allem roi cystal gwasanaeth.

Mae angen pobl arnom ni gyda natur ddymunol, brwdfrydedd, ymrwymiad a pharodrwydd i ddilyn cyfarwyddiadau, gan mai ein bwriad yw darparu awyrgylch broffesiynol ond cyfeillgar i’r gymuned.


Darllen mwy


Would you like to help support your local charity run theatre and get some great discounts and offers at the same time.

So why not enjoy a free cup of coffee and discount on tickets, knowing that you are providing invaluable support to this local vibrant community theatre.

We have…

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